Govan High School
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S1 - S3 – Curriculum for Excellence English
English in S1-S3 follows a Broad General Education. Pupils will be given the scope to enhance their skills in the four key elements of Literacy, Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening.
Assessment will be internal and this will determine whether they progress to National 4 or National 5 in S4.
Class work will be a wide mix of personal reading, studying a variety of texts, writing in a variety of styles and solo, group and class presentations and discussions.
Homework will be as and when needed, this include formal written exercises, reading, carrying out research, revising for examinations or thinking and acting activities such as learning vocabulary.
S4/5 – National 4 and National 5 English
At the end of S3 pupils are selected to progress either to National 4, or National 5 English, depending on their performance over the course of S1-3.
Pupils sitting National 4 will be internally assessed throughout the year and must pass all four Units in order to pass the course. These Units are: Creation and Production, which involves pupils creating and producing straightforward written texts and taking part in straightforward spoken interactions; Analysis and Evaluation, which involves the pupils studying and analysing written, visual and spoken texts; the Added Value Unit, which involves researching a topic and producing either a written report or a five minute presentation. Finally they will need to have passed the Literacy Unit.
Class work will be a wide mix of personal reading, studying a variety of texts (poetry, novels, short stories, media and drama) writing in a variety of styles and solo, group and class presentations and discussions.
Homework will be as and when needed, this include formal written exercises, reading, carrying out research, revising for examinations or thinking and acting activities.
Pupils sitting National 5 will complete 3 units plus sit a final exam and submit a written folio. National 5 is significantly more demanding than National 4 and pupils must be prepared to commit to self-directed study and revision throughout the year.
In the Analysis and Evaluation Unit pupils will study a variety of texts – including, at National 5, set Scottish texts - to further develop analysis, reading and listening skills. In the Creation and Production Unit pupils will further develop their speaking and writing skills and produce detailed texts in these forms. They may also be entered for a Literacy unit, which assesses their Reading, Writing, talking and Listening skills. The Course Assessment is split in to two components: a reading question paper, worth 70% of the marks, split in two again: 30% on Close Reading and 40% on analysing two previously studied texts (one of which must be a Scottish text). The final 30% is gained through submission of a portfolio of two written pieces: one creative and one discursive. Pupils must pass the Course Assessment and both Units to gain a National 5 qualification.
Progression from National 5 is to Higher, which will follow a similar structure to National 5, but the level is more difficult. In the Analysis and Evaluation Unit pupils will study a variety of texts – including set Scottish texts - to further develop analysis, reading and listening skills. In the Creation and Production Unit pupils will further develop their speaking and writing skills and produce detailed texts in these forms. They will also study Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation. They must submit a writing folio of 2 essays (30%) and the external exam (70%).