Govan High School
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Social Media, Wesite andInternet Access
You are here: School Policy Statements > Social Media, Wesite andInternet Access

 February 2015




Dear Parent/Carer,




Our school is in the process of updating and looking to improve communications with parents, carers and the local community.


This will include a number of existing communication tools within the school – the school handbook and website, automated text and newsletters which we would like to illustrate with as many images of young people as possible.


As a school we are also looking to promote and celebrate the school’s good news stories and successes through the media, social media (Twitter/Facebook etc) and local community and would like to host photo calls and send out media releases – either directly or via the council’s media office.


As you know, social media is a fast and effective way to communicate – especially to our young people – and a good way to cascade important information to a large group at the same time.


To enable us to do this safely we would like to take this opportunity to update our parental permissions in line with council media and social media guidelines.


Please can you let the school office know if you would NOT like your child’s photograph or name used in any promotional material or on our website/Twitter/Facebook pages and feeds – if we do not hear from you then we will take this as informed permission.


Please also let me know during the school year if your decision regarding photographs changes or of any circumstances which could affect your child and we will amend permissions accordingly.


Yours sincerely